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We have two hands, two eyes and one brain. Those elements combined can make for a productive and well-rounded work flow but it’s no secret that sometimes one person just isn’t enough. Project deadlines approach rapidly and intraorganizational issues arise and trying to handle it on your own can end up proving to be detrimental to not only you but the organization overall.

Delegation is Key

Organizations should function as a whole, like a clock, moving and working as a well-oiled machine. The cogs should fit together perfectly and there should be balance within the inner workings. Just as our metaphorical clock cannot function without perfect movement from each of the cogs, departments cannot function without balance and leadership.

But how is balance achieved? Look at the macro picture of some of the most successful companies in the world, we can see that there is clearly a hierarchy. Within an organization, there is top-level management, department heads, mid-level managers and worker bees. From the top all the way to the bottom though, every employee regardless of their title, has something in common: delegation. Whether being delegated to or actually conducting the delegation, everyone has experienced a degree of this in their lives.

Put simply, delegation is the act of dividing up tasks and appropriating them so that a goal can be achieved and deadlines can be met.

The Value of a Team

Just like the human body, each person within an organization brings something different to the table. One may be a hand while others may be fingers, the differences in each part is what makes up a well-functioning body. Knowing the core strengths and weaknesses of your team is key to delegating well.

The best leadership comes from knowing your team better than anyone and delegating tasks based on their strengths and weaknesses. When you have this understanding and awareness of personalities, experience and attitude, you can successfully distribute tasks with confidence knowing that each component will get done effectively. This understanding and awareness can be especially imperative in emergent time crunches.

Support = Strength

Paraphrasing an old saying, a good leader is one that delegates. When delegation happens, there suddenly becomes a common goal. From this common goal, ideas, efforts and creativity turns into mutual support within the team.

Support is the cornerstone of a strong company. It increases morale, likelihood of meeting milestones and helps with emotional well being.

Final Thoughts

In life, in work, ultimately, we need people. We don’t have the strengths that others’ have, nor do we always have the time. Building a successful business, being a good leader and meeting goals requires teamwork. When we delegate tasks effectively and foster an environment of mutual support, incredible things can be achieved.